Friday, 8 June 2007

Of Dragons and Jaguars...

Did dragons really exist, or are they just mythical creatures that appear in legends? How come dragons are related to religion and spiritualism, and other animals are related to superstitions? A dragon sculpture tempts imagination...

In Hindu and Buddhist faiths, dragons are wise, benevolent creatures; they represent the primal forces of nature and the universe. In Indonesia, dragons are believed to protect the gods -- no wonder Balinese carvers create such detailed masterpieces!

The jaguar remains popular nowadays, for example soccer and football teams in several countries are named after them or adopt them as team mascots. Jaguars inspire the art of Armando Ramírez, who recycles metal and auto parts into the fearsome presence of a wild jaguar.

Did you know that an elephant facing the door is supposed to bring you good luck? Same applies if you have an elephant sculpture with its trunk turned upwards.

Frogs seem to be benevolent creatures in most cultures around the world. In Indonesia, their arrival is seen as a good omen: it means the start of the rainy season and the promise of a good harvest. In Europe, an old wife's tale claims that a frog brings good luck to the house it enters.

Nature's creatures inspire myriad legends, beliefs and fables, as well as the original sculptures and wood carvings of artists around the world. And the materials they work with are equally fascinating! Gemstones, wood, silver and bronze are but a few.

1 comment:

Risa del Mar said...

I can imagine that your home is as eclectic as mine with a mixture of all cultures and beliefs all rolled into one. From Batik Puppets, to Buddha Panels to Tango Dancing Sun & Moon's. Each sculpture in and of itself is a work of art. The story behind the work is what puts them on a whole other level. Thanks to you their stories are beautifully depicted.